Category Archives: fantasy

Wow, a great review for the Shadow series.

I just saw this on and am busy doing my happy dance. Reviews are lifeblood to authors and a huge boost when someone has obviously enjoyed a series. I hope the reader enjoys the fourth book, Staff of Shadows, which is currently 99c on pre-order until publication on October 1st, when it reverts to full price. It is available on all the Amazons, Kobo, Nook and other places. .

L L reviewed Shadow Over Avalon
Keys to the kingdom 19 September 2018
I am actually loving this story so much that I am hard pushed to find the right words of praise for this series. As a silly mistake on my behalf when I first found the books) I read the first 3 in reverse, so now I really loved learning how it all started. I was not disappointed! Arthur’s snooping into Shadow’s past via the Archive made me want to read on past the point where I really should be putting down the book and it flows in such a lovely way, that the reference to all the alien tech does not clog up the understanding with over-techinical definitions or super sci-fy information. It’s imaginative and unique. It is simply a joy to have discovered a new fabulous author and I cannot wait for the next book to be released! If you are thinking ‘maybe’ – just don’t! Buy it and read it! You won’t be sorry!

The Magic Number

This morning I woke up to see Shadow Over Avalon had received review # 100, which is a big deal. Not only that, the review called for an instant happy dance. Here it is and thank you to ‘Angie’ whoever you are.

on November 11, 2017
This was captivating from page one. I’d give it more than 5* if I could!

This is a richly woven tale that is extremely visual. The world building is tremendous. Sometimes in fantasy I find myself wishing the author would just get on with it, but not with this book. The author knows how to paint a truly three dimensional world without falling foul of information dumping. They are also amazing at presenting realistic fully formed characters from page one. This is a book to get lost in. Although I am not an Arthurian legend buff, and I no doubt missed out with my lack of knowledge there, the fine weaving of the complex threads kept me entertained from start to finish. The author certainly took a bold step in se


The first day today and that means two things. The first is that there are precisely 51 more days until the winter solstice when the daylight starts growing instead of shrinking. That is a milestone as I don’t like the huge darkness of this time of year a lot. Right now it is about 8.10 am and not a trace of dawn in the sky. This will be even worse next Sunday when 8 will become 7. Then the days really feel too short. On the flip side, I don’t believe I would like to live near the equator much as I had a big problem in Hawaii when the evenings were dark by six and dawn came long after I was up. I like my long summer days.

The second thing November means is the start of National Novel Writing Month, otherwise known as NaNo. Yes, I have enrolled and am working on the third book in the Darkspires series, entitled Writhe of Wurms.  Yes, I have actually written about five hundred words so far and am liking where the story is taking me. No, I have no idea what is going to happen. I am a pantzer and it will unfold to me as I write.

Untitled book about to begin

I was driving back from having a flu shot yesterday and looking over the now bare fields I saw a coyote trotting briskly under a  clear cerulean sky and being overflown by a flock of tardy geese. It occurred to me that winter was a mere breath away and that snow was coming to stay very soon. That being so, it is time to start a new book.

The Darkspires series is definitely calling to me this time as I already have a new book in the Shadow series waiting in line for a publishing spot. I don’t know what I am going to call it yet, or how it will end and yet snippets are coming to me in an ever increasing torrent. It is clear I won’t be able to work on anything else until I satisfy the needs of these characters to have their voices heard again.

Maybe they were roused out of hibernation by the recent release of ‘The Book of Dragons’ anthology, where Dragon’s Bane features among the stories and is set in the Darkspires world? If anyone is curious how the Drakken Connor ended up all alone here is the place to find out. It is available on all the Amazons and other major outlets.

Maybe I am listening harder as I am now finally starting to feel human again after another go around with bronchitis? It will be a few days before I can really write as I have a lot of house cleaning to do with everything being coated with builder’s dust. Yes, he could have put up a shield and didn’t. This will be the sixth time I have wiped down all the exposed surfaces and I doubt if it will be the last. Still, I now have a very beautiful new kitchen and hall floor in marbled tiles. Yeah.

Darkspire Reaches… a wonderful review!

Darkspire Reaches 2 (1)-page1

5.0 out of 5 stars A Superb Read!, July 4, 2017
This review is from: Darkspire Reaches (Kindle Edition)

What a superb read.

Picked this up on a recommendation and am so glad. The book is a richly described fantasy with magic and adventure woven through the tale of a young woman’s struggle to be accepted. The writing flows easily and draws you into the whole adventure.

Raven is a ittle different to the norm and her life isn’t made any easier by the woman who raised her. People she trusts turn against her, and the fears, doubts, and actions of those around her make her life a misery, until she meets the gorgeous Conner, but even he is hiding some terrible secrets from her.

I loved the characters in this book. Their flaws make them believable, thier special talents make them incredible. I found the whole thing thrilling, I particularly enjoyed the punishment one horrible character deservedly received. I shuddered in revulsion. (In a sort of satisfied way as the punishment was justified)

Make sure you have plenty of time when your pick this book up as you won’t want to put it down until the very last word…And then you want more.

Want a preview? Dreaming of Darkspires is currently free on and I wish it were free elsewhere, but they declined to price match. It is, however, free on Kobo and Nook.

Dreaming of Darkspires Twitter-page1


Or what about an audio book? Here is a review of Darkspire Reaches, the audio version, which is free for the first sign up to the audio program on Amazon.

on June 27, 2017

I’m still making my way through the audio book for Darkspire Reaches, but loving it. Julie Hinton does a wonderful job of getting the characters’ personalities to come out. You team this up with C.N. Lesley’s wonderful words and it’s a very entertaining book to listen to.

She gets deep into the character’s emotions and helps you feel what the character is going through. Action is well paced, settings and scenes so wonderfully illustrated. Beautifully read by Julie Hinton.

I’ll be looking for more books read by her when I need to get the next one.

Audio darkspire reaches